Monday 26 November 2012

Christian Network Marketing Advisor - Do You Need One

The online business world can be a difficult place for Christians. There are a several schools of thought in the Christian community when it comes to making money. One school says that the Lord wants you to be rich. Another school says, money is evil don't try to get ahead. Both of these positions are radical and lack balance. What about this, perhaps you can create income streams that can be used not solely for yourself but for your local assembly or to support a missionary. Network marketing distributors love the Christian community. Why? The answer is very simple. We have a close association of friends and family that some try to exploit. Let's face it. In order for you to succeed in network marketing you must have people sign up for your business opportunity and a church is the perfect place for network marketing recruiting, or is it?

A quality Christian network marketing advisor, sponsor, mentor, or whatever the title, should really caution you about bringing your business into your church. They would also do well to educate you in the latest secrets in network marketing. The opinion of this author is that your business should not use holy things for marketing. Here are some samples that I have seen, I have changed the name, Make Money With Gospel fill in the blank. I even saw an AdWords ad stating God wants you rich. The point in marketing is to market to a niche but, please keep it real, no gold teeth or angel feather promises. In the course of church life people will find out that you have a business and will naturally be curious about what you do. That is the time to talk about your business and help them to understand how it could positively impact their lives.

A quality sponsor will know how to market using the most modern marketing methods to help you excel in your business. In fact, if you are not being taught how to market online or your mlm sponsor does not know how to market online you may want to reconsider or at least get educated in these techniques yourself and become
a leader in your business community. This takes effort and you will invest time and money to gain the knowledge that will produce results. Most people that start in a network marketing business will not see it through until they are successful. This is why you must have a quality network marketing advisor.

How do you find such an individual? In two words the internet. The internet is where you can research any type of business opportunity whether it is an online business or an off line business. Each type of business has its leaders and those will easily come to the surface. You can do research on video sites, article sites, heck you can even call the real leaders on the phone and they will be there. Honesty has its reward online and people that truly want to see lives changed through entrepreneurship can be rewarded very well.

 By Lynn Allan Ellis

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